Symposium ’The Future of Ageing’

A two-day symposium titled ’The Future of Aging’, dedicated to a multidisciplinary analysis of this phenomenon gripping most of European society, opens at the SASA Grand Hall, on Thursday, 1 December, at 9 a.m.

The first part of the Symposium examines the history of the ageing concept, including ethnographic elements, such as the notion of ageing in traditional Serbian culture from the 20th-century ethnology point of view. The second part discusses demographic-sociological aspects of ageing and old age, that is, the challenges of population ageing and human capital in the 21st century. The third segment is dedicated to the medical overview, including mental issues of ageing and challenges brought about by cognitive deterioration in the elderly population. The fourth segment pays particular attention to sociological, political and anthropological aspects of ageing, perception of ageing in domestic humour, old age and gender in time and space.

A special portion, which incorporates regional guests, has a colourful title ‘Hundred Years of Bismark’s Pension System in Former Yugoslavia: Past, Present and Future in the 21st Century’. Our experts will discuss the emergence, development and crisis of the pension system in former Yugoslavia. Furthermore, pension systems in the surrounding countries from the point of view of lecturers from Slovenia, Croatia and Macedonia will be reviewed, as well as the options of introducing a social pension plan and other proposals on the Serbian pension system modifications.

A live stream of the event is available at