The Seventh National Conference of Byzantine Studies

The Seventh National Conference of Byzantine Studies, organized by the Serbian Committee for Byzantine Studies, SASA Board for Byzantine Studies, and The Institute for Byzantine Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts is to open at the SASA Grand Hall, on Tuesday, 22 June, at 9.30 a.m. This event will take place 22 June – 25 June and it comprises three sessions: 1) thematic, entitled ’Serbian-Greek Empire of the Nemanjićs. Idea and Reality’ in which new insights into the Serbian-Byzantine relations and cultural synergy at the time of the emperors Stefan Uroš IV Dušan and Stefan Uroš will be presented; 2) general, entitled ’Byzantine Topics’ which encompasses presentations in the broader field of Byzantine and Medieval studies and 3) special, envisaged as a discussion forum with the topic ’Challenges of Contemporary Byzantine Studies’.