ULUPUDS Award for the publication of the third volume of The Dictionary of Fine Art and Architecture Terminology

At the 66th Belgrade International Book Fair, the Applied Artists and Designers Association of Serbia (ULUPUDS) bestowed a recognition for the contribution to the history of art for the year 2023 to the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Zavod za Udžbenike Publishing House [The Institute for Textbooks and Educational Materials] for publishing the third volume of Rečnik pojmova likovnih umetnosti i arhitekture  [Dictionary of Fine Art and Architecture Terminology].

As stated in the Jury’s elaborate, ‘The Dictionary of Fine Art and Architecture Terminology’ represents a highly significant edition for the study of the history of art, due to the categorization of terminology important for understanding art and culture.’

The ULUPUDS recognitions are traditionally awarded in the field of illustrations, comics, design, a complete book layout, history and theory of art, as well as for monographs. In addition to the already established awards, the Jury granted commendations and special recognitions to authors and publishers whose books they recognized as extraordinarily significant for the field of art and culture of the Republic of Serbia. This year’s Jury consisted of Jelena Pavićević (the Jury’s president and art theorist), Danijela Paracki (section of design) and Dejan Vukelić (section of design).

The third volume of ’The Dictionary of Fine Art and Architecture Terminology’, as the two previous volumes, was compiled by a team of the most renowned experts in the field of fine arts and architecture, under the leadership of Academician Milan Lojanica, President of the SASA Board for Fine Arts and Architecture Terminology, as well as the editor-in-chief of all three volumes of the Dictionary.