Здање Богословије СПЦ у Сремским Карловцима у коме се налази ново одељење

Unit of Audiovisual Archives opens at Sremski Karlovci

The Sremski Karlovci unit of the Audiovisual Archives and Digitalization Center opened on Friday, Dec. 7, at the local SASA Archives. The guests at the opening ceremony were addressed by SASA President Academician Vladimir S. Kostić, Vojvodina Prime Minister Igor Mirović, and Vasilije, Bishop of Syrmia. As stated at the opening ceremony of the SASA Audiovisual Archives and Digitalization Center in Belgrade, the task of the Sremski Karlovci unit will be to digitalize material from the Archives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which holds documents of utmost importance for the history and culture of the Serbian people from the 16th century to the 1970s.